Exploring Self-care with LeadMore

We’ve asked Kelly Cuesta, our resident LeadMore blogger to share her insights from the first quarter of LeadMore.  In January we delved into the topic of Purpose, in February – the month of love – we explored the Self-care.  These are Kelly’s reflections…

“I’ve learned that you can’t have everything and do have everything at the same time.” – Oprah Winfrey

Self-care was interesting session looking at balancing out multiple demands and thriving – What does self-care mean to me?

We explored with Jo Kaye – Founder of The Breath Academy  what it means to be kind to ourselves. It was interesting to reflect on the different dimensions of ‘me’ (physical, relational, spiritual, professional, etc), around the roles I play and also around time (my future self, my past self…). Sometimes, stopping things might be hard, we keep ourselves busy and fill our time. However, it is great to find some space FOR US, a pause in the day, to meditate and reflect / listen deeply to ourselves.     

I came from that mindset that self-care or taking care of myself was all about spoiling myself, going to the spa, eating some chocolate and so on. It was something linked to a vanity aspect. However, I did not know how to take care of myself from an integral standpoint. There are a lot of possibilities in self-care: pausing, choosing, setting boundaries, feeling the feelings, asking for help, having fun…


Now, I have incorporated some new things in my life and nurturing my inner self is part of taking care of myself, reading, allow myself to take mini breaks between work meetings and avoid that zoom fatigue, sleep 8 hours, practicing meditation before sleep, keeping a gratitude journal on daily basis, improving my diet, and cultivating my creativity by coloring.

Curiosity piqued?  LeadMore is a monthly subscription to all things wonderful…including a vibrant community of change-makers, monthly masterclass, blog post, podcast AND a brilliant treasure trove of resources, readings, poetry and a spotify playlist, to enjoy whilst you delve into and learn more about the topic at hand.  In April we focus on Navigating Change.  You can sign up to a monthly subscription here or if you’re pressed for time and prefer to join our masterclass only, you can sign up here.

Any questions?  Email Sandy to find out more: sandy@sheleadschange.org

Curious about LeadMore?

Curious about LeadMore?

Each month Kelly Cuesta (part of our LeadMore team) will be sharing a blog on her experience of LeadMore and how it is impacting her life.  The LeadMore Programme is designed to support you explore key themes related to leadership and to connect you with our She Leads Change community.

LeadMore supports you in creating and embedding purpose in your life, building your confidence, resilience, and leadership skills.

We asked Kelly to reflect on our first quarter of LeadMore and what she discovered about herself.

Discovering more about your inner self

Time flies when you are enjoying the journey and learning a lot about yourself while getting to know others along the way. When I got involved in the co-creation and execution of this program, I never imagined how rewarding and energizing it would be. I was part of the Leading from Within Autumn cohort 2020 and I could feel the impact of the She Leads Change Community in my life. So, I decided to continue that journey and make a greater impact, this time as part of the LeadMore team.


Back in January when we started this journey, we discussed Purpose – what does purpose mean to me?

Even though I have reflected a lot about purpose before, it was wonderful to hear from different people how they define that passion: goal, guide, contribution into the world…

We explored with Miriam Turner – CEO Friends of the Earth different ways to stay resilient and remain guided by your purpose in tough times. Expectation management, pace, care is key to find the balance.

Raj and Melanie walked us through their own coaching experience and how Melanie found her purpose. We discovered some tools with Raj to manifest purpose.

My main takeaways were:

  • Start with the why, then leverage how you are doing things and what shows up in your life. Learn more about the Golden Circle theory by Simon Sinek here  
  • Explore and try some exercises to discover your purpose. Notice themes, patterns, learnings… and trust in your gut. Be honest and look what is important FOR YOU
  • Enjoy the process of discovering your purpose and allow to yourself space rather than rushing into what is next
  • For someone who is visual like me, it would be useful to put your purpose statement somewhere you can see it every day. In my case it is on the wall in my WFH (Working From Home) setup office and behind the door in my room. This will help you to make sure whatever you do is aligned with your purpose and keep that motivation going
  • Set a morning and evening ritual that works for you. In my case, I have set a daily routine with my girlfriends and we share by whatsapp everyday either a picture, quote our voice message on one or 2 things we are grateful for. I have included a meditation routine as well so I can reconnect with myself for 50 minutes just before go to bed
  • Focus on where you are going towards rather than what you are going away from.

Our topic for April is Navigating Change.  Join us?

Join here for our monthly subscription (discount code LM2021 for SLC alumni / Core Team / Springboard if you need it)


Here for an annual subscription ( 12 months for the price of 11 – discount code LM122021 for SLC alumni / Core Team / Springboard if you need it)


Just want to join our 2 hour masterclasses? – join here

Introducing Leading Change – a She Leads Change podcast

Introducing Leading Change – a She Leads Change podcast

Join Rachel Webb, the host of our brand new podcast: Leading Change. A space to explore ideas around affecting change, stepping into our power, leading from within and all the challenges we face along the way.

In this episode we be focus on PURPOSE and seeding our best intentions for the year ahead…we continue this exploration of purpose in this month’s LeadMore programme.

LeadMore is a monthly subscription designed to support you to explore key themes related to leadership and to connect you with a vibrant, inspirational community. Our monthly masterclass, podcasts, resources and peer-coaching has been crafted to fit alongside your many personal and professional roles and help you to thrive. Subscribe to LeadMore by clicking here.

Today we are speaking to Tom Rippin – CEO of On Purpose – a multi-national social enterprise that helps people and organisations, find their purpose. We asked Tom what purpose means to him…

Rachel Webb speaks to Tom Rippon, CEO of On Purpose

Join our LeadMore community of inspirational leaders and continue your journey to rise your fullest potential. It’s the last week to sign up to our first quarter – to find out more and sign up, click here.

Curious about She Leads Change and what we do? Join our free taster session on Tuesday 18th January from 5-6.30pm for an experience of She Leads Change. Please register here – and feel free to bring a friend!

Join our community of inspirational leaders!

LeadMore is designed to support you in creating and embedding purpose in your life, building your confidence, resilience and leadership skills.

Join our community of inspirational leaders like Eva and continue your journey to rise your fullest potential. It’s the last week to sign up to our monthly LeadMore Subscription. Find out more and sign up here.

The time of the tortoise…

Last year we learnt that we aren’t in control, that things can change in an instant and – most importantly – that we can weather what life throws at us. This year, we’ve already realised that change is not a sprint – it is a marathon. We need to pace ourselves and continue to adjust our lives to thrive, regardless of the context – be less hare and more tortoise!

Here are 5 ways to help you and yours thrive in 2021, from our friend, Nikki Levitan. They are based on her expertise as a wellness educator and are good for everyone of any age, life stage, gender and experience – 

  1. STAY CONNECTED: Reach out each day to a friend. Share something that was good – and also something that was not so good.
  2. BE ACTIVE: Leave the house to breathe some air, look at a tree or the sky. Move your body. Dance! Or try 10mins of Yoga
  3. TAKE NOTICE: Be conscious of the small things that usually go unnoticed: a nice bath, the smell of home-cooked food, the colour of the sky, a message from a friend that makes you smile. Perhaps keep a gratitude list? 
  4. KEEP LEARNING: What do you learn today, that you did not know before? What are you learning about yourself in these times? Join a She Leads Change event or programme to learn more, with others. 
  5. GIVE: Your time, love, energy to someone else. Offer support to a shielding neighbour, call a relative you know is alone or a friend who has poor mental health. A little kindness goes a long way and makes you feel good too.

At She Leads Change, we offer both learning and community – please join us for: 

  • A She Leads Change Experience – an evening to connect and learn with like-minded people on 19th Jan from 17:00 – 18:30GMT
  • LeadMore – a regular dose of expert learning and thoughtful connection every month for anyone wanting to be part of a vibrant, learning community
  • Leading from Within – a 3month transformative leadership programme, for women at any stage of their journey, wanting to bring themselves more fully to their work and lives, starting 23rd of February 2021. 
  • Leading Collective Impact: a 4month programme to explore and expand your leadership capability – engage the collective in leading transformational change, in diversity and inclusion, starting May 2021. 


Let’s imagine our best possible year and find ways to live into it, together. 

See you soon. 

Much love,


What a year!

Dear friends,

If ever there was a year to lean into our She Leads Change teaching – it was this one! We’ve had to dig deep to find emotional reserves within ourselves, connect with others virtually (and some not at all) watch systems change overnight and have our resilience tested repeatedly…and we’ve done it.

It’s the end of the year and She Leads Change is still here – WE are still here and YOU are still here! We are all stronger, softer and better able to handle the next curve ball life throws.

Well done, everyone! I’m so very proud of our team, community and participants – we’ve achieved so much. Take a look at our year in numbers.

What can’t be measured in numbers, is the amount of hearttremendous courage and the boundless energy that so many people invest into She Leads Change.

Or the deeply profound outcomes – the shifts of perception, the insight and inspiration, the increases in confidence and competence – and the transformation of so many who participate. Each of whom are  able to expand more fully into being the leaders the world needs now.  

Thank you to everyone who has touched our lives this year. A big thank you especially to our Core Team – each of whom leads a specific aspect of She Leads Change and who teach me so much about life and leadership.

With love,

Nicola xx

As they say ‘all well that ends well’ … so let’s end this year well. Here are four questions to gently close the door of 2020 and step out into the uncertainty of 2021 with a smile…

1. What are your most meaningful moments of 2020? 
2. What are the most important things you learnt this past year?
3. What do you need to do to end this year well? 
4. What do you want to take from 2020 into 2021?

Launching Monday 4th January with our FIRST Monday Masterclass on Monday 25th January.  Position yourself with intent this coming year and subscribe to LeadMore.  Open to everyone wanting to continue their leadership journey with She Leads Change, LeadMore is a monthly subscription, designed to support you in creating and embedding purpose in your life, building your confidence, resilience and leadership skills.  

We’re offering a 50% discount to our Alumni, Springboard Panel and Core Team when signing up to the first quarter of 2021. Click on the link below to find out more and sign up.

Led by Sandy Glanfield, one of our Leading From Within participants and facilitator of our Peer Coaching and Thinking Space circles. We asked her: Why LeadMore?  Read her blog HERE

Curious about She Leads Change, or know someone who is?  Join our FREE taster session in January to connect with others and learn more.   Click HERE to sign up.