How we think
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A curated conversation…
“…it is proposed that a form of free dialogue may well be one of the most effective ways of investigating the crisis which faces society, and indeed the whole of human nature and consciousness today” David Bohm Next week, we launch the first of our Climate Dialogues....
A view of under-representation at COP26: When you’re not invited to the party – hold your own?
As the UK Climate Conference COP26 starts, our hope for progress against the climate challenge is dented by the lack of participant diversity. The campaign organisation She Changes Climate, says that only 2 in 12 senior participants at COP are women. As an...
How are you finding your way back in?
How are you feeling? For many of us, we're feeling tired - deeply tired. This pandemic and all the related changes have taken a huge toll on our collective psyche. We can't seem to "click back" into new season productivity - and maybe, we shouldn't be trying. Maybe...
Hosted by Rachel Webb, this episode of our She Leads Change podcast features Jennifer Wallis - a Reiki master and meditation teacher. Jennifer advocates for a holistic and spiritual approach towards mental health and healing exploration with her company: Into The...
I knew I had to get out of my own way
"I was attracted to Leading From Within because it spoke about leading change in myself, about giving me the tools, skills and courage I need to create change in the world. Change, which at times can be completely overwhelming and paralysing. Women know the stats and...
She Leads Change has created a real buzz in Pearson.
Pearson was one of the first organisations to spot the potential of She Leads Change to transform their employees and have been participants on the programme since it started in 2018. Almost 50 women from Pearson have participated in She Leads Change Programmes over...
Permission to rest.
Do you find it hard to rest? If so, you aren’t alone! A few years ago, the University of Durham conducted the world’s largest survey around rest and wellbeing. They polled over 18 000 people from 134 countries around the world, discovering over ⅔ of those surveyed all...
Ready, steady, play!
Somewhere between childhood and adulthood, we stopped playing. We packed away play when we picked up the responsibilities of adulthood. Yet, as adults, we need the benefits of play, more than ever… What is play? Clinical psychologist and chief of Psychology at Ellis...
Your future is calling!
Who is your future self? If you could have a conversation with your future self, how might you steer your life differently? Would you take on new goals? What chances would you take? What changes would you make? “It’s much easier to default to the present than to...
“Change is hard at first, messy in the middle, and gorgeous at the end” – Robin Sharma
Navigating Change If there is something that I have learned from this unexpected and challenging time due to the pandemic, it is that life can change from one day to another and we cannot take for granted anything. During this time I have evolved a lot and I am still...
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