How we think
Browse on for our latest thoughts and articles.
What do you need, to take your next career step?
We've gone through so many shifts in work this year and with lockdown easing many of you may be wondering about your professional futures. What is it you need most, to take your next career step? Is it a practical offer of help, or the sharing of ideas and advice?...
Learning to Lead Bidirectionally with She Leads Change
Recently shortlisted as a Rising Star in the Tech industry by WeAreTheCity, and recent graduate of Leading From Within, Arka Raina shares her experience of how She Leads Change is teaching her to lead bidirectionally... At the start of lockdown last year, I knew -...
“Everyone wants change but no-one wants to change”
We invite you to join a conversation between Anna Swaithes and Nicola Millson. If you are wondering how to navigate change more gracefully - whether it is change because of covid, career, personal circumstances or to solve humanities challenges - this is an unmissable...
How to communicate at our best…
In the last of our three part series looking back at the first quarter of LeadMore, Kelly shares on our topic for March: Communication Last month, we learnt how to communicate at OUR BEST and connect consciously for improved relationships. Some of my main takeaways...
Exploring Self-care with LeadMore
We've asked Kelly Cuesta, our resident LeadMore blogger to share her insights from the first quarter of LeadMore. In January we delved into the topic of Purpose, in February - the month of love - we explored the Self-care. These are Kelly's reflections... "I've...
Curious about LeadMore?
Each month Kelly Cuesta (part of our LeadMore team) will be sharing a blog on her experience of LeadMore and how it is impacting her life. The LeadMore Programme is designed to support you explore key themes related to leadership and to connect you with our She Leads...
Introducing Leading Change – a She Leads Change podcast
Join Rachel Webb, the host of our brand new podcast: Leading Change. A space to explore ideas around affecting change, stepping into our power, leading from within and all the challenges we face along the way. In this episode we be focus on PURPOSE and seeding our...
Join our community of inspirational leaders!
LeadMore is designed to support you in creating and embedding purpose in your life, building your confidence, resilience and leadership skills. Join our community of inspirational leaders like Eva and continue...
The time of the tortoise…
Last year we learnt that we aren’t in control, that things can change in an instant and - most importantly - that we can weather what life throws at us. This year, we’ve already realised that change is not a sprint - it is a marathon. We need to pace ourselves and...
What a year!
Dear friends, If ever there was a year to lean into our She Leads Change teaching - it was this one! We've had to dig deep to find emotional reserves within ourselves, connect with others virtually (and some not at all) watch systems change...
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