We started the Climate Dialogues with Reboot the Future as an opportunity to explore how She Leads Change could support profound change using feminine lenses to view the climate crisis.
We have been completely awed by the positive response from participants in our two previous sessions. One of our favorite comments was from a long term employee in the climate sector who said “I’ve never thought about things in this way before – it all looks different, now” and of course the very enthusiastic “that was freaking awesome!”
On Monday 29th November, we hosted the second of our three-part Dialogue Series; entitled: “Wild Love” Sandy Glanfield shares her reflection on the conversation…
“What started as ‘Wild Nature’ came to be ‘Wild Love’. When we create time to consider what we really love in nature – visualise it, describe it to others and how it makes us feel – it sparks a connection.
Our lens is love and evokes warm memories. What if we shift that lens though to consider the impact of environmental degradation on that place? We see it at risk, our heart feels broken for its potential violation loss.
But, on most days, we move on and think about something else… our ‘to do’ list or another problem in the climate crisis that appears on our news feed. There’s so much in our media to take in and feel responsible for. We want to care but often find ourselves numbing in response to the magnitude of the problem. Numbing cuts us off from feeling all of our emotions, from being able to speak of how we truly feel, and from feeling care and compulsion to protect what we love. Nature and it’s plight becomes removed, inanimate.
When we refer to nature as ‘it’ we feel comfortable to consume and take. We don’t call anything we love and want to protect, ‘it’. If a Maple is an ‘it’, we can take up a chainsaw. If a Maple is a ‘her’ we think twice. What if we treated nature, as in the Golden Rule, as we wish to be treated? What would change?
Changes begin to break through as we apply this lens and amplify as we share and explore our thoughts, feelings and ideas with others.
As is often said “I didn’t realise I felt so strongly until I heard myself say it out loud” Seeds for action begin to rise as we share what we love, what we feel responsible for and for our unique gifts that we can use to protect…Please join us for the next one.
13th December from 4-6pm (GMT) – Empathy: Curiosity & Connection
“Even after all this time the sun never says to the earth, ‘You owe me.’ Look what happens with a love like that. It lights the whole sky.” Hāfiz
Registration is essential as places are limited – please join us here.
Although there is a suggested fee – everyone is welcome, regardless of contribution. this is the last of the series – please don’t miss out!
We need all voices around the table together creating new ways of seeing and being – towards a world where all can thrive. Please join this expertly facilitated, deeply transformational session to bring your voice to the conversation and seed positive change.