How we think
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LeadMore – subscribe monthly for learning and leading, together
Sign up to LeadMore, our monthly subscription designed to support you in building resilience, improving communication and turbo-charging your leadership skills. All alongside a wonderful community. Everyone is welcome. We're offering a 50% discount to our Alumni,...
Day 9: A Mouthful of Hope
On the theme of poems that make you feel able to stand taller - this puts steel into my backbone and fire in my belly. It makes me feel almost invincible! May you read it today (and in future) and feel able to speak up, step out and reach into possibility....
There are some poems that give me strength in the reading of them - that help me stand a little taller, move a little easier in the world. This is one... It doesn’t interest me what you do for a living. I want to know what you ache for and if you dare to dream of...
Sharkey and Friends – a health and wellness conversation
During lockdown, Gary Sharkey - from Sharkey and Friends - sat down with our very own Holly Casares, to hear about our Cup of Calm Initiative. As part of their resilience focus, he interviewed her to discover more about the daily inspirational infusion we offered...
Day 7: A Mouthful of Hope
I missed Friday! So... today is a double-dose. And its all about possibility and purpose. Because its Monday. And everything lies before us - anything you do can become the start of anything you want... Perhaps the first step in carving out a life you want to live is...
Day 6: A Mouthful of Hope
How are you doing? Holding up ok? Today we spent a few hours with the lovely team of faculty and participants from the current Leading from Within programme to co-create our sessions for the next two weeks. The topic feels so opportune - now more than ever -...
Day 5: A Mouthful of Hope
Yesterday I realised how difficult I find it to navigate gracefully between what is good for the collective and the needs of individuals. It feels like a tight breathless spot to me - and much as I try to make it all work - I often get it wrong. This poem sets me...
Day 4: A Mouthful of Hope
Today we ask one of the most beautiful questions - from a David Whyte poem: "What shape waits in the seed of you to grow and spread its branches against a future sky?" Because today one year ago we were in the Royal Festival Hall - a small team co-designing a...
Day 3: A Mouthful of Hope
Thursday was the first of our lock down series - a monthful of beauty to sustain us through COVID, the approaching winter - and beyond. You can read Fridays poem here. Today, many of us are breathing a collective sight of relief that a win for Biden might be a win...
Day 2: A mouthful of hope
Yesterday was the first of our lock down series - a monthful of beauty to sustain us through the next few weeks - and beyond. You can read yesterdays poem here. Today, lets invite a wild god to our tables. Here - let Tom Hirons tell you more......
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