“Family: the reason we lose it – and the reason we hold it together.”
Family life is incredible and hard and wonderful and draining and beautiful and ugly – often all at the same time. Throw a pandemic into the mix complete with self-isolation, home-schooling, caring for elderly and vulnerable parents, working from home, financial insecurity and world-wide lock-down, it’s perfectly normal to feel overwhelmed. It’s called being human and let’s be real, it’s hard enough to hold ourselves together in these uncertain times, let alone a family.
We don’t have the answers but we can promise you, you aren’t alone. We’re all in this together which is why we have created a space for us to gather each week, to stay connected as parents – (whether it’s parenting our children or parenting our parents!) – to be real, to share our experiences and offer support, encouragement and a life-line of solidarity and community in this unprecedented time of uncertainty and confusion.
Please join us every Thursday from 12-1pm – the link to join is here – and feel free to share the invite.
With love,
She Leads Change