Our ability to cope with change is a challenge for most. We all handle it differently. For some, the struggle is in the transition, for others the lack of control or perhaps, the unexpectedness of it all.
Today over lunch we shared on coping with shifting goalposts: how did we feel when lockdown was extended? How did we react and how were we supporting others, feeling the same?
Holding both family and friends during a time of crisis – whilst navigating it yourself – is a steep learning curve. Our shared experiences of living through sudden, unexpected change, gave the following encouragement:
“Make the decision to not give up!”
“Know that you can choose how to react and by doing so, choose what energy to inject into the situation…”
“Understand the importance of role-modelling behaviour in a crisis for our children and it’s impact over the long-term.”
“Take time to pause before responding – there’s power in reflection!”
There’s a great deal of comfort from having regular, touchpoints of conversation and connection during a time of great change and uncertainty. Why not join us every week for a conversation over lunch? Next week’s topic is on letting things slide…!
Join us on zoom- https://zoom.us/j/8044531372 – from 12-1pm every Thursday. The password is LeadChange – all welcome!
With love, all of us at She Leads Change