The fifth session of our Spring Programme took place on Monday with a focus on resilience. Sophie Lawrence, one of the current participants, sent us this following the session. We couldn’t have asked for more beautiful feedback. Credit to the current cohort of wonderful women changemakers for coming with us on this journey and creating the magic.
An overwhelming sense of lightness.
Those dark knotted alleyways lurking within –
Eased out with grace,
And a knowing, supportive smile.
A female chain of understanding,
Growing stronger by the week.
Power that once faltered
Suddenly lit with intense clarity.
Seeing others around you in a new technicolour of understanding.
The secret of your own personal growth –
For the moment at least can be kept within.
Let us enjoy floating around.
For a while.
And then it can be let out to fly high,
Soaring and swerving.
With new trust and resilience and knowing –
That however much it crushes back down again,
We can pick up the pieces.
And, again if we need.
Painting colourful images that are true to ourself.
A unique space, unlike no other that we’ve entered before,
Held by others –
We lead change.
More information on our Autumn Programme and apply here.