In these new times – are you wondering how to get any work done, stay focused, enjoy the change or stay away from the news? Us too!
This mornings Cup of Calm focused on resourcefulness. Life as we know it, has changed and we need to find a way through different challenges. It’s not our resources (i.e. physical objects or money) but our resourcefulness that can help us at this time. This is the ability to rest into our strength of character to find ways to overcome and reframe whatever situation we find ourselves in.
We asked this morning: “Think about a time in the past when you have been seriously tested by life – how did you come through? How did you get out the other side? What inner resources did you access?
What came out was a tool kit of resourcefulness, including: sense of humour, patience, grit, determination, friends, creativity, and optimism. Charlotte said I answer “What sustains me?”. Smurti mentioned “A positive mental attitude. There is always something better around the corner.” And Sula “knowledge that I can and will do whatever it takes”.
Whether you are wondering how to balance pro bono and paid work, stay energised, stay centred, make a meaningful difference, respond to everyone’s needs or focus – you have inner resources to rise to the challenge.
See you tomorrow for a lesson is eating frogs!
Please do join and feel free to invite others. We ‘meet’ on zoom every week day morning at 8.45 for 15 minutes. The link is:
Please donate as you are able – with no obligation and no upper or lower limit. The link to donate is: All profits will go towards supporting our community of freelancers, small business owners and independents during this time.
Thank you for your support,
All of us at She Leads Change