An apology – and two offers…
Today many of our participants couldn’t get into our zoom room due to a technology fail. This meant that instead of starting our day with calm – we started with frustration and disappointment! Our apologies for those who tried and couldn’t find a way in. And our thank you to the ever gracious Katrien for her humour and lightness around ‘missing’ her session.
We have two offers for those that missed this morning (and anyone else who could do with Calm, right now.
The first is this recording of a short mindful session with Jo Kaye. Jo is a facilitator on She Leads Change and these mindful session is one of many beautiful things she brings to the world.
The Second offer is an invitation to take a brief moment to pause and ask yourself – what is it that you would like to breath into the day? Our participants said: presence, compassion, understanding, calm, enjoy the sun on my face, beautiful nature, gratitude for life and hope.
May your day be calm, your technology work and your breaths out into the world bring joy and peace to yourself and others….
We look forward to seeing you on a Cup of Calm tomorrow morning. Please join us via: and, if asked, the password is LeadChange. Do invite others – everyone is welcome!
This event is free to join. If you would like to, please donate as you are able – with no obligation and no upper or lower limit. The link to donate is: All profits will go towards supporting our community of freelancers, small business owners and independents during this time. We suggest the price of a cup of coffee – £2.50 per day or £40 per month.
Wishing you a wonderful week ahead!
With love, all of us at She Leads Change