"Wow, I have been very positively impacted by this. I have a deep sense of awareness of how I am showing up and how that affects the other and the overall impact on the system. This has been a really safe space to show up authentically."

Curious about our Leading Collective Impact programme?  Click here to indicate your interest and one of our team will be in touch!

Leading Collective Impact

Collective Action to address Complex Challenges

 Harness the power of collaboration and lead systemic change



“The world changes when networks of relationships form among people who share a common cause and vision of what’s possible…Through these relationships, we develop new knowledge practices, courage and commitment that lead to broad-based change.”
– Margaret Wheatley

Leading Collective Impact.

Our 4-month, virtual programme offers a profound response to diversity, equity and inclusion.

You will:

Be invited to address the personal, organisational and systemic aspects of change and expected to explore considered, multi-stakeholder action

Lead a deep, personal inquiryand be supported by an expertly designed process, practical tools, diverse faculty and hands-on experience

Learn through peer-engagement, co-creation, innovation, prototyping and expert case studies

Leave with an increased sense of purpose and agency, new leadership capability and confidence, deeper relationship with self and other – and tested strategies to inspire collective action and deliver transformational change


Learning to step outside the box

Jacqueline Lim“I’m learning to step outside my individual box and engage and consult on a new Inclusion Strategy I’ve proposed in my organisation. It has benefitted the work enormously” – Abby, Graduate

Contact us to find out more about our next programme

Open to everyone

What is Leading Collective Impact?

Leading Collective Impact is a “rehearsal space” for leadership in action…

As part of our recent Leading Collective Impact programme, our participants have been on a journey deepening their inquiry around the theme of “diversity, equity and inclusion” and how they may lead collective impact in the arenas of which they are a part…Our participants identified an idea each of them want to take into the world that has the potential to create some shifts on “diversity, equity and inclusion.” Here, some of them share their experience…


There’s no better practice ground

Jacqueline Lim“There’s no better practice ground for the work of creating systems change than being and learning in community. A safe space to exercise our voice, and grow in confidence. Learning to hold space for others, and to take space. Growing through differences with others.”- Jacqueline Lim

Contact us to find out more about our next programme

Open to everyone

Lead inclusively

If you want to deliver a profound response to diversity, equity and inclusion – Leading Collective Impact is for you

Timing not quite right? Register your interest for future cohorts.

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Thank you for registering your interest with She Leads Change. We hope you'll be joining us soon!

Frequently Asked Questions

What is it?

Leading Collective Impact pushes the boundaries in leadership development, aiming to deepen the leadership capacity of participants to enable a more systemic, multi-stakeholder response to some of today’s most pressing challenges. Leading Collective Impact nurtures participants to grow confidence, purpose and authenticity as leaders leading change, collectively.

Why Diversity, Equity and Inclusion?

We invite participants to bring a challenge they are working on or are passionate about related to Diversity & Inclusion. This is a timely opportunity to go beyond a tick-box approach – and instead, respond wholeheartedly and sustainably to this challenge and take personal and collective action.

Participants will: 

  • Access a safe, peer-based space to explore the topic
  • Deepen their personal and collective understanding of the systemic inequalities that show up in their lives, their organisations, society and beyond
  • Reflect on the roles they have and can play to break down barriers
  • Learn from each other and explore collaborations as a cohort
  • Prototype “actions” for change – individually and with others
  • Leave with a set of tested strategies for moving forward on Diversity & Inclusion – personally, in their organisations, and beyond
Who is it for?

Everyone – from aspiring changemakers wanting to increase their confidence and find their voice, to experienced leaders wanting to expand their leadership capacity for leading systems change and enabling collective action.  Leading Collective Impact is for organisations wanting to respond well to today’s challenges and unlock more meaningful, multi-stakeholder action among teams or cross-departmental groups.  We invite women and their allies, from any sector, to apply.

What will I get?

We offer:

  • Practical tools and hands on experience on leadership, stakeholder engagement and systems intervention
  • Tangible outputs and outcomes through prototyping and co-creation
  • 5 x 5-hr core learning sessions
  • 3 x 1.5-hr small group circle sessions
  • 3 x 1hr individual 1:1 sessions with a coach/mentor
  • Pre- and post-reads to support each session’s learning journey
  • Community Session and Showcase Event
  • Ongoing learning and support with the broader She Leads Change Community

Contact us to find out more about our next programme

Open to everyone

Timing not quite right? Register your interest for future cohorts.

Please send me updates of She Leads Change events and programmes.

Thank you for registering your interest with She Leads Change. We hope you'll be joining us soon!

SLC conference


The world doesn’t change one person at a time. It changes when networks of relationships form among people who share a common cause and vision of what’s possible…. Through these relationships, we will develop the new knowledge, practices, courage and commitment that lead to broad-based change.

– Margaret Wheatley

I've proposed a new Inclusion Strategy

“I’m learning to step outside of my individual box in which I’m very comfortable. Taking extra steps to engage and consult on the new Inclusion Strategy I’ve proposed in my organisation, despite it meaning some difficult initial conversations, it has benefited the work enormously.”

Abby Crawford,  Equality Manager at the London Fire Brigade

Collective leadership is taking risks with support

“I’ve learnt that Collective Leadership requires you to step in and off the cliff, and when you do, you will be caught.”

Tessa Jennett, Founder of Lemonade, a charity supporting young people’s mental wellbeing.


I am already working differently and leading with more purpose.

“This journey alongside other amazing change-makers has taught me about courage, vulnerability, accountability and leadership.  I’m already working differently and leading with more purpose.”

Lamese Waterfield, Digital Manager


I am bringing in what might be considered ‘difficult’

“I built confidence in showing up in a more integrated way, and in bringing in what might be considered ‘difficult’ – to see this as, though uncomfortable, opening up the possibility for a different way of connecting, and co-creating a culture that I feel I can be part of.”

Elizabeth Stopford, Film-maker at White Rabbit Films.